Meet With Orthogonal Leadership at HLTH 2022

Randy Horton
Randy Horton

HLTH 2022 is just around the corner. This vibrant and informative conference, focused on healthcare innovation and transformation, will take place from November 13–16 at the Venetian Expo in Las Vegas, NV.

Orthogonal’s Randy Horton, Chief Solutions Officer, will be in attendance. He’s looking forward to checking out the exhibits, roundtable discussions and presentations given by leading thinkers and players in healthcare. Here are some of the talks he’s eyeing to attend:

  • Why Healthcare Needs Big Tech | Monday, November 13th | 9:00 AM — 9:20 AM PST
  • Digital Therapeutics Playing the Long Game | Monday, November 13th | 3:30 PM — 4:10 PM PST
  • HEALTH EQUITY IMPACT PROGRAM: The Future of Health is Analog: Using Text to Close the Digital Divide for Populations at Risk of Health Inequities | Tuesday, November 15th | 12:05 PM — 12:15 PM PST
  • Roche: In Pursuit of Personalized Healthcare | Tuesday, November 15th | 3:30 PM — 4:10 PM PST
  • Care that Gives a Homey Feeling | Wednesday, November 16th | 10:20 AM — 11:00 AM PST

If you want to connect with Randy at HLTH 2022, reach out to him via his email ( or through LinkedIn.

For a taste of the excellent and timely discussions at HLTH 2022, check out our recording of a panel Randy moderated at ViVE 2022, a conference co-hosted by HLTH and CHiME.

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