5 Product Marketing Tips from Orthogonal
This post was previously on the Pathfinder Software site. Pathfinder Software changed its name to Orthogonal in 2016. Read more.
Orthogonal is changing how we blog.
Since we started blogging about three years ago, we’ve had 1452 posts and about 1.3 million absolute unique visitors. We initially started blogging about Ajax, and then added topics from Ruby on Rails, .Net, to flex and flash. Our user experience designers and our agile project managers started blogging, and we started to blog about content from iPad and iPhone development to product strategy. In short, we now blog on everything related to creating successful software, from strategy and marketing to design and development.
The New Calendar
Going forward, we will continue to blog on all of these things, but we’re going to provide more structure and predictability to our blogging calendar.
On Mondays, we’ll be blogging on Product Strategy. At Orthogonal, that means a heavy emphasis on customer development and lean startup thinking, because we believe that in most markets, this is the best way to create products that win.
On Tuesdays, we’ll blog on Product Design, including all aspects of designing software products, from user research to usability, from information architecture to interaction design. We’ll start with Nate’s post tomorrow on Designing for Mobile Apps.
We’ll roll out further themed days over the next few weeks, so stay tuned.
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